Block sparse column format triangular solve

val( )

Scalar array of length nnz containing matrix entries


stored column-major within each dense block.

bindx( )

Integer array of length bnnz consisting of the block row


indices of the block entries of A.

bpntrb( )



Integer array of length kb such that bpntrb(j) points to


location in bindx of the first block entry of the j-th block


column of A.

bpntre( )



Integer array of length kb such that bpntre(j)-1points


to location in bindx of the last block entry of the j-th


block column of A.


Dimension of the dense blocks composing A.

b( )

Rectangular array with leading dimension ldb.


Leading dimension of b.


Scalar parameter.

c( )

Rectangular arrary with leading dimension ldc.


Leading dimension of c.

work( )

Scratch array of length lwork. lwork should be at least


mb x lb x min(lb, n).


Length of work array.

468HP MLIB User’s Guide