Chapter 4. Network Configuration
Delete Row
If you select this box, the row is deleted when you click on Create new rows, Save, or Look up all IP addresses again.
Enter the number of new rows you want to add to the table, and then click on Create.
Static Routing
If there is a router between the Telecommuting Module and a computer network which the Telecommuting Module is serving, you must name the router and the network here. The table is sorted by network number and network mask.
The Default gateway, configured on the Default Gateway page, will automatically be en- tered in this table on the corresponding interface page, when added to the Main Default Gateways table.
If the interface obtains its IP address dynamically, no other static routes can be defined.
Routed network
Enter the DNS name or IP address of the routed network under DNS Name Or Network Address.
The IP address of the routed network is shown under Network address.
In the Netmask/Bits field, enter the netmask of the network.
The name or IP address of the router that will be used for routing to the network. If there are several routers between the Telecommuting Module and the network, fill in the router closest to the Telecommuting Module.
If an interface will receive its IP address from a DHCP server, the Telecommuting Module will get its default gateway from the server. In this case, select the corresponding IP address under Dynamic.
Delete Row
If you select this box, the row is deleted when you click on Create new rows, Save, or Look up all IP addresses again.