Global and Local Client Configuration Files

This feature allows administrators to 'lock down' certain options, while allowing other options to be altered by users.

There are three levels of files:

Global: hprdc_admin.sam

Local: hprdc_accessdevice.sam

Personal: hprdc.sam

The order of precedence is:

Personal file is read first.

XPe: Anywhere on file system (double-click hprdc.sam)

XPe search locations used in this order—when one is found, it stops looking:

%AppData%; Default for XP: C:\Document and Settings\<username>\Application Data

\hprdc.sam. Default for Vista or Windows 7: C:\users\<username>\AppData\Roaming \hprdc.sam

Install directory; Default: C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Session Allocation Client \hprdc.sam

$SystemRoot%; Default: C:\windows

Workstation Client OS file location: /root/user/hprdc.sam

Linux Client:

/root/hprdc.sam for the root user /home/<username>/hprdc.sam for other users

Parameters in the local file override the personal parameters

XP file location is the install directory. Default: C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Session Allocation Client\hprdc_accessdevice.sam

Workstation Client OS file location: /opt/hpsam/hprdc_accessdevice.sam (/root/writable/ opt/hpsam/hprdc_accessdevice.sam)

Linux Client:


Parameters in the global file override the personal and local parameters

XP file location is the install directory. Default: C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Session Allocation Client\hprdc_admin.sam

Workstation Client OS file location: /opt/hpsam/hprdc_admin.sam (/root/writable/opt/ hpsam/hprdc_admin.sam)

Linux Client:

Install and Validate the HP SAM Client Software