•Watch out for traffic when working close to a road, or crossing one.
•Be careful when rounding a fixed object so that the blades do not hit it. Never drive intentionally over a foreign object.
•The machine is heavy and can cause very severe crush injuries. Be extra careful when loading it on a trailer or truck.
•Be careful when pulling a load or using heavy equipment.
a.Only use approved tow hooks.
b.Limit the load to what you can manage safely.
c.Do not make sharp turns. Be careful when reversing.
d.Use counterweights or wheel weights when indicated in the instructions.
Driving on slopes
Driving on slopes is one of the situations where there is the most serious risk that the driver can loose control or that the machine tips over, which can cause severe injuries or be fatal. All slopes require extra care. If you cannot reverse up the slope or if you feel uncertain avoid cutting it.
Do as follows:
•Remove obstacles such as stones and branches etc.
•Cut upwards and downwards, not sideways.
•Look out for and avoid driving over furrows, holes or mounds. On uneven surfaces it is easier for the machine to tip over. High grass can conceal obstacles.
•Drive slowly. Use small movement on the hydrostat pedals.
•Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations on wheel weights or counterweights to increase stability.
•Be extra careful with the grass collector or other equipment which can alter the stability of the machine.
•Always drive smoothly and slowly on slopes. Avoid sudden changes of speed or direction.
•Avoid starting or stopping on a slope. If the tyres begin to skid switch off the blades and drive slowly down the slope.
•Avoid unnecessary turns on slopes, and if turning is necessary turn slowly and gradually, downwards if possible.
•Do not cut close to edges, ditches or banks. The machine can suddenly tip over if a wheel goes over the edge of a drop or a ditch, or if a bank gives way.
•Do not cut wet grass. It is slippery and the tyres can loose their grip so that the machine slides.
•Do not try to stabilise the machine by placing one foot on the ground.
•The Rider lawn mower must never be driven close to an edge or ditch when cleaning the chassis.
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Be extra careful when driving on slopes.
Cut slopes upwards and downwards, not sideways.
8 – English