Watchdog Timer Control
The cpuModule includes a watchdog timer, which provides protection against programs "hanging", or getting stuck in an execution loop where they cannot respond correctly. When enabled, the watchdog timer must be periodically reset by your application program. If it is not refreshed before the
The watchdog
Before using the Watchdog timer, it must be enabled in the BIOS setup utility. When it is disabled in the BIOS, the watchdog register does not appear in I/O space and it will not generate an a reset.
Note Enabling the watchdog timer in the BIOS does not actually arm it. The watchdog timer can be armed by accessing I/O address 455h, a explained below.
Three functions have been implemented on the cpuModule for controlling watchdog timer control. These are:
•Arm: The watchdog timer can be enabled by writing a 1 to bit 7 of I/O port 0x455. To ensure compatability with future designs, you should read the register and only change the bit you need to change.
•Disarm: The watchdog timer is disabled by writing a 0 to bit 7 of I/O port 0x455. To ensure compatability with future designs, you should read the register and only change the bit you need to change.
•Refresh: The watchdog timer is refreshed by reading from I/O port 0x455. After you enable the watchdog timer, you must refresh it at least once every 550 ms.
Table 48 Wake Control I/O Address 455h
D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D0 |
Watchdog Enable |
| Reserved |
1=Watchdog timer is disabled and will not generate an interrupt
0=Watchdog Timer is enabled and needs to be refreshed
64 CMX58886CX cpuModule |