The following languages and compilers are supported for MQSeries applications:
Assembler H (5668-962)
IBM High level assembler MVS (5696-234)
VS COBOL II (5668-958)
IBM COBOL for MVS & VM Release 2 (5688-197)
C/370 Release 2.1.0 (with APAR UN37741) (5688-187)
IBM SAA AD/Cycle C/370 (5688-216)
OS PL/I Optimizing Compiler (5668-910)
SAA AD/Cycle PL/I Compiler (5688-235)
OS/390 Java Development Kit 1.0.2 available at Installation and Customization
The most important prerequisite for migrating from VSE/ESA is that you have set
up a CICS/ESA and the COBOL compiler and runtime environment.
After you have verified that your OS/390 system fulfills the prerequisites you can
install the MQSeries for MVS/ESA code. Follow the instructions in the MQSeries
for MVS/ESA Program Directory. They include not only details of the installation
process but also information about any necessary prerequisite products and
their service or maintenance levels.
SMP/E, used for installation on the MVS/ESA platform, validates the service
levels, prerequisite and corequisite products, and maintains the SMP/E history
records to record the installation of MQSeries for MVS/ESA. It loads the
MQSeries for MVS/ESA libraries and checks that the loads have been
You now have to customize the product to your own requirements.
Customization tasks include:
define the MQSeries for MVS/ESA subsystem to MVS
authorize the MQSeries for MVS/ESA load libraries
include the MQSeries for MVS/ESA load library in the link list
include the MQSeries for MVS/ESA dump formatting member
update the MVS/ESA Program Properties Table (PPT)
create procedures for the MQSeries for MVS/ESA subsystem
tailor your security procedures
customize the initialization files
create the bootstrap and log data sets
define your page sets
tailor your logging environment
200 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook