
￿ VSE ￿ PDUMP￿ address1 , address 2 ,MFG=area




















DCB = dcbaddress ,TCB = address











,ID= number

,SDATA = (sysda￿a) ￿







￿ MVS ￿ SNAP ￿,PDATA = (probda￿a)





￿,STORAGE = (s￿ar￿ address,end address)










￿,STRHDR = (hdr addr)






hdr lis￿ addr




￿,LIST = address of lis￿













￿No￿e: TCB = address is used wi￿h sub￿asking






DUMP Macro





￿ RC=












comple￿ion code











￿ No￿e: Use ,STEP wi￿h sub￿asking.



The VSE DUMP macro and the VSE JDUMP macro terminate the job step and give a hexadecimal dump of the general registers, supervisor and the partition that issued the macro if the main program or task made the request. If a subtask issues the macro, the subtask is detached, but the partition is not terminated. The dump is directed to SYSLST.

The MVS ABEND macro causes the termination of the current job step. A dump of all virtual storage areas, control blocks, and the trace table is recorded if you provide a //SYSUDUMP DD statement. In a multitasking environment, the task that issues the macro with its subtasks is terminated. If the parameter STEP is included, the entire job step is terminated. The remaining job steps are either skipped or executed, depending on the parameters in the COND entry in the JOB and EXEC statements.

280VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook

Page 304
Image 304
IBM OS/390 manual VSE Jdump, MVS Abend Dump ,STEP

OS/390 specifications

IBM OS/390, a versatile operating system, was a cornerstone in enterprise environments and played a pivotal role in mainframe computing. Released in the mid-1990s, OS/390 combined the strengths of IBM's MVS (Multiple Virtual Storage) with new features and enhancements, targeting scalability, reliability, and performance in demanding business applications.

One of the key features of OS/390 was its robust support for multiple users and processes. The system allowed thousands of concurrent users to access applications and data, ensuring high availability and minimizing downtime—a critical requirement for many large organizations. This scalability was supported through various enhancements in memory management and processor scheduling, enabling optimal resource allocation across diverse workloads.

OS/390 was known for its superior workload management capabilities. The Workload Manager (WLM) component allowed administrators to define service policies, specifying how system resources would be allocated according to the priority of tasks. This ensured that critical business processes received the necessary resources while less critical tasks were managed more flexibly.

Another significant characteristic of OS/390 was its commitment to security. The operating system provided comprehensive security features, including user authentication, data encryption, and auditing capabilities. This focus on security was vital for organizations handling sensitive data, ensuring compliance with regulations and safeguarding against unauthorized access.

OS/390 also supported advanced technologies that facilitated integration and development. The system included features like the IBM CICS (Customer Information Control System) for transaction processing and IMS (Information Management System) for database management. These technologies allowed organizations to build robust, high-performance applications tailored to specific business needs.

The ease of network integration was another strength of OS/390. With the advent of the Internet and global connectivity, OS/390 systems could easily interface with various network protocols, enabling businesses to operate in a connected world. This inclusion paved the way for many organizations to expand their capabilities and offer new services, driving digital transformation.

In conclusion, IBM OS/390 represented a significant advancement in mainframe technology, combining scalability, security, and robust workload management. Its rich feature set and support for critical enterprise applications solidified its role as a vital component of many organizations' IT infrastructures, ensuring they could meet their operational challenges head-on while supporting future growth. As technology continues to evolve, the legacy of OS/390 remains influential in the realm of computing.