
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm

public java.util.Set getAppliedItems()

This method should return a java.util.Set instance containing the Item instances that have had adjustments calculated and applied. The method should be used in the checkAppliedItems method.

Note: We found that at the time of writing, the ApplyShippingCmdImpl and ApplyCalculationUsageCmdImpl command implementations did not use the getAppliedItems method from the checkAppliedItems method. This means that if you extend any of these commands with a calculation command that has the check bit flag set in STENCALUSG.USAGEFLAGS, you must also provide your own implementation of the checkAppliedItems method.

See Example 8-5 on page 135 for a sample implementation of the method checkAppliedItems.

public void setItems(Item[])

This method is used by the framework to pass an array of Item instances, representing the order items that should be processed, corresponding to the WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1 setOrderItems methods.

If you extend the ApplyCalculationUsageCmdImpl class, you do not need to implement this method, as this class contains the following method that can be used to retrieve the list of items that should be processed:

public Item[] getItems()

If you extend the ApplyShippingCmdImpl class, you will have to override the setItems method and store the array locally before calling super.setItems, as the getItem method in ApplyShippingCmdImpl has the following signature:

private Item[] getItems()

Refer to Example 8-5 on page 135 for an sample of this.

public void setTaxCategoryIds(Integer[])

This method is unchanged from WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1 and is used

WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1 command interfaces

The WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1 interfaces for the commands

ApplyOrderShippingChargesCmd, ApplyOrderTaxesCmd and

ApplyOrderAdjustmentsCmd contain the following methods:

public void setOrderCurrency(String)

140Keeping Commerce Applications Updated WebSphere Commerce 5.1 to 5.6 Migration Guide

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IBM SG24-6320-00 manual Refer to Example 8-5 on page 135 for an sample of this