
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm

D:\WebSphere\AppServer\installedApps\wcs56h\WC_demo.ear\Stores.war\MyS tore

the following summary of changes has been added to improve the error handling:

Add logic to check the error code returned and create error message to show user

Example 8-8shows part of the content of the modified myAccount.jsp file. The changes are outlined in bold.

Example 8-8 The content of the modified myAccount.jsp file




}else if

(strArrayAuth[0].equalsIgnoreCase(ECSecurityConstants.ERR_INVALID_PASSWORD) == true) {

strErrorMessage = usertext.getString("PASSWORD_INCORRECT");

}else if

(strArrayAuth[0].equalsIgnoreCase(ECSecurityConstants.ERR_DISABLED_ACCOUNT) == true) {

strErrorMessage = usertext.getString("ACCOUNT_LOCKED"); } else if (strArrayAuth[0].equalsIgnoreCase(ECSecurityConstants.ERR_LOGON_NOT_ALLOWED) == true) {

strErrorMessage = usertext.getString("WAIT_TO_LOGIN");





Changes to Register.jsp

To improve the password security during account registration, several new checks has been implemented. Additionally for these checks, there are some new error codes. Our Register.jsp does not handle these new error codes and needs to be modified in order to display the error messages to the user during improper registering.

To JSP file register.jsp located in:


in our example:

D:\WebSphere\AppServer\installedApps\wcs56h\WC_demo.ear\Stores.war\MySt ore

156Keeping Commerce Applications Updated WebSphere Commerce 5.1 to 5.6 Migration Guide

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IBM SG24-6320-00 manual Changes to Register.jsp, Example 8-8 The content of the modified myAccount.jsp file