Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm6320ch_DEV_installation.fm

set WSAD_HOME=D:\WebSphere\WSAD511

call setshortname RUNTIME_JARS ..\AppServer\classes call setshortname RUNTIME_CLASSES ..\AppServer\classes call setshortname J2EE_JAR ..\AppServer\lib\j2ee.jar call setshortname XERCES_JAR ..\AppServer\lib\xerces.jar call setshortname XALAN_JAR ..\AppServer\lib\xalan.jar

call setshortname XMLPARSERAPIS_JAR ..\AppServer\lib\j2ee.jar call setshortname JAVA_HOME ..\AppServer\java

call setshortname PROPERTIES ..\properties set path=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%

call setshortname WSAD_HOME “%WSAD_HOME%“ call setshortname WCTOOLKIT “%~d0%~p0..“ set WORKSPACE_DIR=%WCTOOLKIT%\workspace set WAS_HOME=%WSAD_HOME%\runtimes\base_v5 call setshortname WCS_HOME ..

call setshortname WCLOGDIR ..\logs call setshortname WCTEMPDIR ..\temp

You now have a fully functioning WebSphere Commerce V5.6 development environment installed. The development environment is set up to use the lightweight WebSphere Commerce test environment with Cloudscape as database system.

In 5.6, “Configuring the development environment for DB2” on page 85, the test environment will be configured to use DB2 Universal Database, but first we must install DB2 Universal Database V8.1.

5.5 Installing DB2 Universal Database V8.1

DB2 Universal Database V8.1 must be installed in your new development environment in order to complete a successful migration. This is because the full WebSphere Commerce test environment is required. This section details the installation steps.

Note: This guide assumes that your WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1 development environment uses a local installation of DB2. That is, DB2 Universal Database V7.2.5 is installed on the same machine as VisualAge for Java V3.5.3.

5.5.1 Backup development databases

We recommend that you backup all databases in the development environment that cannot be recreated before you install DB2 Universal Database V8.1, as

Chapter 5. Installing WebSphere Commerce Development Environment 77

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IBM SG24-6320-00 manual Installing DB2 Universal Database, Backup development databases