05 Sector 5 - flash storage
06 Sector 6 - DBCS character storage
Toerase the flash EPROM before downloading the data into the printer.
The command should only be sent to the printer when the buffer is empty
(status byte 2, bit 6). No other commands should be sent until this
command is complete.
Status byte 3, bit 7 (command complete bit) is set to show erasing is
finished and the command is complete.
The flash EPROM is guaranteed for a minimum life of 100,000 write/erase
commands by the Flash manufacturer.
Send Checksum of Flash EPROM Sector
RS-232 Syntax:
ESC nor X'1B;22;n'
01 Sector 1 - downloaded graphics
02 Sector 2 - predefined messages
03 Sector 3 - user-defined impact character set
04 Sector 4 - user-defined thermal character sets
05 Sector 5 - flash storage
06 Thermal double-byte character sets
07 Impact double-byte character sets
Toverify data integrity of the data loaded in the flash EPROM in the printer.
A 2-byte checksum is returned.
Microcode Tolerance (MCT) Information - Loading
RS-232 Syntax:
ESC M nhlor X'1B;4D;n;h;l'
updated March 18, 2002
122 SureMark DBCS Users Guide