Preset or Onetime-Set Commands
The SureMark printer has commands to specialize and tune each printer to improve
its usability, performance, and uniqueness.This flexibility is provided through the
use of flash erasable programmable read-only memory (flash EPROM) and an
electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM). Data in these
memory devices will stay valid until it is redefined. This information only needs to be
defined once because it will remain for the life of the printer or until it is redefined.
Toverify that data was previously stored in the printer, the system can request a
checksum on data stored in each sector.
Flash EPROM has 5 sectors. Torewrite information in a sector, you must first erase
the sector.
vFor logo commands and predefined messages, erasing the sector is necessary
only to replace a logo or predefined message number, or when the length of the
logo or message exceeds space available in that sector.
vFor user flash memory, erasing the sector is necessary only when writing to an
address that has already been written to.
vFor user-defined thermal and impact characters, new characters can be added if
they have the same matrix as characters already in the character set. If new
character sets are added, the flash memory does not have to be erased. To
replace characters, you must first erase the sector.
Sector Function
1Download graphics (logo) commands
2Predefined (canned) messages
3Two user-defined impact character sets
4User-defined thermal character sets four fixed matrix or 2 proportional
5User flash memory
6DBCS character storage
The EEPROM stores microcode tolerances (MCT) values.
Download Graphics (Logo) Commands
RS-232 Syntax:
GS * logo_num n1 n2 data or X'1D;2A;logo_num;n1;n2;data'
The logo number being stored.
1logo_num 40
n1 One-eighth the number of dots in the horizontal direction (width = 8
1n1 72 for a thermal logo.
1n1 59 for an impact logo.
n2 One-eighth the number of dots in the vertical direction (height = 8 ×
1n2 255 for a thermal logo.
updated March 18, 2002
AppendixC. RS-232 Programming Information 109