Fix Font Matrix
RS-232 Syntax:
ESC : nor X'1B 3A n'
nThe character width to which all proportional characters will be
adjusted. The range of valid values is 7<n<33. Use X'00' to disable
this command and print proportional characters normally.
Tofix the matrix of proportional fonts. This command will be used mostly to
align numbers and decimal points.
vThis command is valid only on proportional user-defined fonts.
vIf the character is larger than the width defined by this command, then
the right side of the character will be truncated.
vIf the character is smaller than the width defined by this command, then
the character will be centered in the space.
Print Logo Inline
This command is supported only for the thermal station.
RS-232 Syntax:
GSJd n1 n2 data or X'1D 4A d n1 n2 data'
dRelative height of the character.
0Single high
1Double high
n1 MSB of the logo width.
n2 LSB of the logo width.
data The data to form the graphics image.
Toprint a small logo inline with characters.
vn1 and n2 indicate the number of dots of the bit image in the horizontal
direction. The number of dots is calculated as n1×256+n2.
vThe logo is 24 dot rows high. If printed in double-high mode, the logo will
be 48 rows high.
vThe number of data bytes to form the image is figured by
vLike user-defined characters, if the image is only 14 dots wide, the last
two dots should be zero to complete the byte. When printed, the image
will be only 14 dots wide.
Enable or Disable Two-Color Printing
This command is supported only for the thermal station.
updated March 18, 2002
AppendixC. RS-232 Programming Information 141