Microsoft Windows 95/95b (OSR2) Driver Installation
New Windows 95B (OSR2) Installation
These instructions will guide you through the installation of the Initio host adapter driver while installing Windows 95B (OSR2). Windows 95B will be installed from either a CD- ROM or floppy diskettes. It is important that the hardware and DOS 4.01 or higher have been installed successfully before proceeding further. If installing from a SCSI
1Access the Windows 95B
2Once a Windows 95 session is established, use your installed mouse or the appropri- ate key strokes to select MY COMPUTER from the MAIN DESKTOP. Execute the following steps:
•Select CONTROL PANEL from within the MY COMPUTER group
•Select SYSTEM from within the CONTROL PANEL group,
•Select DEVICE MANAGER tab from within the SYSTEM group
•Select the OTHER DEVICES category from within the DEVICE MANAGER listing
•Select one of the
•In the Initio
•Select YES, click Next, and Windows will search for the driver
•Type A:\WIN95, then select “OK”
•Select “FINISH”
•At window “Insert Disk labled
•At window titled “Copying file”, replace the highlighted directory path with A:\WIN95, then select “OK” this will complete loading the INI910U.MPD driver onto your hard disk drive.
3Following installation of the Initio