Product Warranty
The user is cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
To ensure the use of this product does not contribute to interference, it is necessary to use shielded I/O Cables.
Reprinted from the Code of Federal Regulations #47, part 15.193, 1993. Washington DC: Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Declaration of the Manufacturer/Importer
We hereby certify that the I/OHIGHWAY
The marketing and sale of the equipment was reported to the Federal Office for Telecommunication Permits (BZT). The right to retest this equipment to verify compliance with the regulation was given to the ZZF.
EN 55 9100UW2 Declaration of Conformance
This is to certify that the I/OHIGHWAY
1.IEC 801-2 :1984(1000-4-2:1995);
2.IEC 801-3 :1984(1000-4-3:1995);
3.IEC 801-4 :1988(1000-4-4:1995).
Production Notes
This Initio User’s Manual was written, edited, and produced electronically using Adobe®Pagemaker™, Adobe Photoshop™, Macromedia®Freehand™, Adobe Streamline™, and Microsoft Word™.
Text type is ITC Novarese® and display type is Universe 55®. ©1992 International Typeface Corpora- tion. ©1993
All product names that appear in this manual are for identification purposes only and are acknowl- edged to be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.