Retrieve the email with your

Your System Admin has setup your IronKey ahead of


Activation Code. Copy and paste

time to abide by your organization’s security standards.


it into the IronKey window.

You will receive an email with an Activation Code that





is needed to use your IronKey.





Enter your email address and your Activation Code





into the fields provided on the IronKey window. Click





‘Continue’ when you are ready.





If your IronKey cannot connect to the Internet, click





“Edit Proxy Settings...” to adjust its network settings.




Since you can have multiple IronKeys associated with



a device


one IronKey account, the nickname helps you distin-




guish between different IronKey devices.


and a






The threat of brute-force password attacks is removed


for your


by the IronKey’s self-destruct feature. Your password




is case-sensitive and must match your organization’s





password policy.







Back up your password to your

If enabled, you have the option to back up your pass-


online IronKey account

word online to your my.ironkey.com account. That way,





if you ever forget your password, your System Admin





can email you a reminder.


The IronKey will initialize.

During this process, it will generate the AES encryption





keys, create the file system for the secure volume, and





copy over secure applications and files to the secure







Set up your personalized login in-

If enabled, you continue the setup process online.


formation for your my.ironkey.com

my.ironkey.com is a secure site where you can man-


account by clicking the ‘Login to

age your IronKey account and devices. Accessing


my.ironkey.com’ button.

my.ironkey.com requires two-factor authentication (your





IronKey and your password).


Follow the onscreen directions to

Depending on your organization’s settings, you will cre-


setup your my.ironkey.com account.

ate a unique username, password, confirm your email





address for out-of-band authentication, and answer





Secret Questions for supplemental authentication.





You will also select a Secret Image that you will see





whenever you log in, as well as a Secret Phrase that is





used as an anti-phishing measure when communicating





with you via email.


You may need to respond to a

IronKey must verify your email address because it is


confirmation email by entering

used with important services related to your online


the confirmation code online.


At this point, your IronKey is ready to protect your data, identity, and online privacy.



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IronKey Enterprise manual My.ironkey.com’ button