Monitoring account activities

The Account Dashboard shows you the recent





activities on your account, such as logins, failed









password attempts, and when your device pass-





word has been recovered.






Enabling Account Alerts for real-time

You can enable a number of Account Alerts for


account monitoring

additional insight into what activities are occur-





ring on your my.ironkey.com account. An email will









be sent to you with details on the security event,





such as the time and IP address of the event.





All emails regarding your account will have part of





your Secret Phrase in the subject line for addi-





tional anti-phishing protection.


Changing account credentials

You can change your password, Secret Questions,





Secret Image and Phrase, as well as your email ad-









dresses from within my.ironkey.com as often as you





wish to ensure that no one else may access your










Creating a secondary email address gives you a





fail-safe in case your primary email address is no





longer available.

In the event that you ever lose your IronKey or forget your IronKey device password, you can still access the site in Safe Mode: a restricted mode with limited functionality.This is useful for marking your IronKey as lost, or recovering a forgotten password.




Go to https://my.ironkey.com

Here you will log into Safe Mode without your





Enter your email address (or user-

Your Secret Image will be displayed so that you


name) and your online account pass-

know you are at the correct site.


word. Click “Submit”




Do not enter your device password in this screen.



If you have forgotten your online account pass-



word, click the “Reset Password” link.


An email will be sent to you with a

Copy and paste that login code into the page that


Login Code.

asks for it.



Depending on the configuration of your account,



you may need to answer your Secret Questions.


You are now logged into Safe Mode.

If you had forgotten your device password and



have backed it up to your Online Security Vault,



you can recover it now.



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IronKey Enterprise manual Go to https//my.ironkey.com