3 Editing/deleting logins and Por-

You can manage your Password Manager accounts

table Bookmarks

from within the IronKey Control Panel. Each website





will have a set-able name, a URL, a username (logins





only), and a password (logins only).





Your passwords are not shown unless you click the





“Show” checkbox.






4 Backing Up and Restoring Pass-

You can securely back up your encrypted Password

word Manager Data

Manager data to your Online Security Vault. Simply





click the corresponding buttons from within the Iron-









Key Control Panel. This procedure will back up your





Portable Bookmarks, logins, and Form Filler data.





Synchronizing IronKeys (or setting up Master-Slave





relationships) is easy since you can restore password





backups to your other IronKeys.











5 Using the Form Filler

You can have the IronKey Password Manager automati-





cally fill in your webform data, such as names, phone





numbers, addresses, credit card data and email ad-










First, set up this information by clicking on the “Set-





tings” button in the IronKey Toolbar. Then, to fill a









webform, simply click the “Form Filler” button.

6Generating strong and random You can use the Password Generator (located within


the IronKey Control Panel) to create long, random





passwords. Then, you can have the IronKey Password









Manager remember then for you. Simply copy and





paste them into a webform when logging into an online










7 Automatically logging into online

When you add a login to your Portable Bookmarks,


that login will appear not only in your Portable Book-





marks list, but also in the IronKey System Tray Menu.









Simply right-click on the IronKey icon in the System





Tray, and then click on the Secure Login. The onboard





Firefox web browser will launch and automatically log





you into the account.





Safely logging into your online accounts has never been













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IronKey manual Ironkey Enterprise User Guide