Grill Burner

Follow instructions onpage 17 forremoving the grinburner. The ,grill bumer should be
cleaned after each can becleaned with asoapy S.O.S. pad orin the dishwasher.
Rinse and dry thoroughly before using again.For heavy soil, burner should be cleaned
first with a soapy S.O.S.pad,rinsed and dried.Then it can be cleaned in a self-clean
oven for 2 hours.
NOTE: Check to be sure all burner portsare open. To open clogged ports,insert a ]
toothpick directly into each port.J

Porcelain BurnerBasin

This area locatedunder the grill and surface burners. Clean aftereach use of the grill.
Toremove light soil, clean with soapy waterorwithcleanserssuch as Fantastik or409.
For easier cleanup: a) spray with a household cleanser; b) cover with papertowels;
c) add small amount of water to keep the paper towels moist;d) cover and wait 15
minutes;and e) wipe clean.
Toremove moderatesoit,scrub withComet, BonAmi, a softscrubcleanserorplastic
To remove stubbornsoil,spray withanoven cleaner, let soakovernight, wipe clean,
Note: Clean the grease drain after each use. To clean: Pour about _/3cupof veryhot tap
watermixed with tteaspoondish detergentdownthe drain. Inthe event the drain isclogged,
due to largefood particles being trapped, usethe nylon string that was packaged with your
range. To use thenylon string, simply insert oneend into thedrain opening in the basin pan.
Feedthenylon stringdown untilit is visibleunder therange. Nowpull upon theend extending
out from thetop whileholding e paper towel around thestring, toclean thestring asit isbeing
pulled. Thisshouldfreeanytrapped particles of food.PouranotherV3cupofvery hot water
mixed with dish detergent to assure thedrain is opened and clear.

Grease Container

The container is located on the left side behind the bottomaccess panel, underneath the
range.(See page 48for openingaccess paneL)It collectsgrease and other liquidscreated
whilegrillingor usingsomeoftheaccessories. Check eachtimeafter grillingand emptywhen
grease isnoticeable. To remove, simplygrasp the handle, and pull fromthe bracket holding
over. Ifthis should happen,the grease witl flow overthe
container and onto thefloor. The container and screw-on
handlecanbe washed in hot,soapywater or in the dishwasher.
Thecontainer can bereplaced with any heat tempered jar,
such asa canning jar, which has a standard screw neck.