Read before operating your range
All appliances - regardless of the manufacturer - have the potential throughimproperor carelessuseto createsafety problems. Therefore the followingsafety precautionsshouldbe observed:
1.Be sure your applianceis properlyinstalledand groundedby a qualifiedtechnician.
2. Never use yourappliancefor warmingor heatingthe room. This warningis based on safety considerations.
3.Children should not be left alone or unattendedin area where applianceis in use. They shouldnever be allowedto sitor stand on any part of the appliance.
4.Wear properapparel.
5.Do notrepairorreplaceanypartof the applianceunlessspecifically
recommendedin this manual. All other servicing should be referredto an
6.Do not store combustiblematerials,gasolineor other flammable vaporsand liquidnearcooktop.Thisalsoappliestoaerosolsprays and aerosolspray cans.
7.Do notusewater on greasefires. Smotherfire orflame or usedry chemicalor
8.Useonlydry potholders.Moistordamppotholderson hotsurfaces
may resultin burnsfrom steam. Do notuse a towelorother bulky cloth.
9.Select cookwarelargeenoughto properlycontainfood and avoid boiloversor spillovers. This will save on cleaningand prevent hazardous accumulationsof food, since heavy splattering or
spilloversleft on a cooktop can ignite. Pan size is especially importantin deep fat frying.
10. Never leave rangetop unattendedat Hi heat settings. Boilover causessmokingand greasy spilloversthat may ignite.
11.TYPE OF COOKWARE - Avoidpans that are unstableand easily tipped. In choosingpans, lookfor