To achieveoptimumcookingperformanceusecookpotswithfiat bottomsand tightfitting covers.F/ame size shou/d be adjusted so it does not extend beyond the edge of the cookware. This instructionis based on safetyconsiderations.Adjustingthe size of the flame to fit the size of the cookwarealso helpsto save fuel.
Important: Leave a minimumof 1½" between side of pan and surroundingsurfaces, such as countertopbacksplashor side walls,to allowheat to escapeto avoid possible
damage to these areas.
•Numinum cookwareheats evenlyand quickly. A slightlylargerflame size can be used.The flame canbe adjustedso itcornestothe edge ofthe cookware.However,
the flame shouldNEVER be adjustedso that it extends beyondthe bottomof the cookware.
•Stainless steel cookwarewith copper or aluminum cores heat evenly and fairly quickly.The flame size should be adjustedto extend onlyhalfway between center and edge of the cookwarebottom for best results.
•Cast ironcookwareheats slowly.
•Check manufacturer'secommendationsbeforeusingporcelainon steel, porcelain on cast iron,glass,
If the cookwareis covered,lessfuel willbe needed. Therefore,a lowerflame size can be used.
Note; Food will not cook any faster when more than the amountof heat needed to maintaina gentle boil is used.