37. Do not useoven for storage space.
38. Donot allow aluminumfoilto contact heating element,
39. WARNING: To reducetherisk of tipping theappliance, theappli-
ancemust besecured by properly installed anti-tip devices.To
check ifdevices areinstalled properly, remove theaccess panel
and verify thatthe anti-tip devicesareengaged.
40. PREPARED FOOD WARNING: Follow food manufacturer's in-
structions. If a plastic frozen food containerand/or itsfilm cover
distorts, warps or is otherwise damaged during cooking, immedi-
ately discard the food and its container. Thefood could be
Important Safety Notice and Warning
The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic EnforcementAct of 1986
(Proposition65)requiresthe GovernorofCaliforniato publishalist of substances
known to theState of California tocause cancer or reproductive harm, and
requiresbusinessestowarncustomersofpotentialexposurestosuch substances.
Usersof thisappliancearehereby warned that when the rangeis engagedinthe
self-clean cycle, there may be somelow level exposure to some of thelisted
substances,including carbon monoxide. Additionally, users are also hereby
warned that the burningof gas can result in low-levelexposure to someof the
listedsubstances,including benzene, formaldehydeand soot, due primarilyto
theincompletecombustion of natural gasor liquidpetroleum (LP)fuels. Properly
adjustedburners will minimizeincomplete combustion.Exposure to these
substancescan beminimized by properly venting therangeto the outdoors.