1. Placeoven rackon therackpositionsuggestedinthechart onpage39.
Distancefrombroilingelementdependson foodsbeing prepared. Rack position
4o(offset rackin position#4)isusuallyrecommendedunlessotherwisestated.
2.TouchBroil Pad.
IndicatorWordBROILwillflashand Display willshowthree dashes.
Note; If more than five seconds elapses between touching BroilPad and
touching a number pad, the oven is not set and Display will return to previous
3. Touch the appropriate number pad(s).
The firstnumber pad touched will enter "HI" in theDisplay.
Theovenhas a variablebroil featurewhich meansthat a lower temperaturecanbe
selected. After"HI"appearsintheDisplay,touchthe appropriatenumberpadsfor
thedesiredtemperature.Temperature canbeenteredin5° increments.Use"HI"
broilformostbroiloperations,Use variablebroilfor delicateand long-termitems.
Fivesecondsafterentering"HI"orfour secondsafterenteringatemperature,the
broilelementwillcomeon andthe IndicatorWordsBROILand ON will remainin
theDisplay. Ifthevariablebroil featurewasselected, theIndicatorWordON will
Example:If at 4 o'clockyou setthe oven for broil("HI"),the Displaywill show:
]L/:00 H. L=
4. Placefood onbroiler pan provided with oven,Broil element will preheat in 5
minutes. After broil element isred,placefood in oven. Oven door MUST be left
openat broilstopI_osition.
S. Touch Cancel Off Padto turn off oven when food is cooked.
NOTE; Afan comes on during theBROIL cycle. Ifit does not, theoven broil element
willcycleon and off.If thefan does notoperate, contact your authorized Jenn-
Air Service Contractorfor repair.