Whenthe clean functionhasbeen completed,the IndicatorWordsCLEAN and ON
willgo off. The IndicatorWordLOCKand thecoolingfan willremainon untiltheoven has cooled downand the door has unlocked.
To set oven to start cleaning at a later time
4. Touch Stop Time Pad.
IndicatorWords STOP TIME willflash inthe Display. The IndicatorWord CLEAN and the calculatedstop time willalso appear in Display.
5. Touch the appropriatenumber pads to enter stoptime.
A stop timecan onlybe acceptedfor later inthe day. If an unacceptablestoptime isentered,"Err"willflashbrieflyinthe Displayandthen Displaywill returnto previous acceptableStop Time.
Example; If at 9 o'clockyou set the oven to clean for three hours,the calculated stop time wouldbe "12:00". The Displaywould show:
If you want the stop time to be 1 o'clock,touchthe number pads "1,0,0". Five secondslater, the Display wouldshow starttime:
After five seconds, the Display will returnto current time of day, thus showing:
_P=O CtE_
The LOCK IndicatorWord will come on and the coolingfan will go off as soon as the oven door has latched.
When the ovenbeginstoclean, the IndicatorWordON andthecoolingfan willcome on and the IndicatorWord DELAY will go off.
When the cleantime hasbeen completed,the IndicatorWordsCLEAN and ON will
go off. The IndicatorWord LOCK and the coolingfan will remainon untilthe oven has cooled downand the door has unlocked.