•Sincethe controlsare a
set (fromtheOff position),push in on controlknobandimmediatelyturn counteroiock- wiseto the Lite positionuntilburnerignites. After ignition,turn knobclockM, se to desiredsetting.
•Igniterwillcontinueto sparkuntilknobisturnedclockwisebackto or pastHi position on knob.
1.Left rear surface burneror grill
2.Leftfront surface burneror grill
3.R{ghtrear surface burner
4.Rightfront surface burner
1. | 2* | S. | 4, |
Note; When using an AG202 surface burner assemblywith controllocations#1 and #2, the controlknob may be turned to a positionlower
thanthe Lo setting. (The Lo settingisset for the grill burner.)
The controlsofferflexibilityin heat settingselection. An infinitenumber of settingsexist between Hi and Lo. At the HI setting,a detentmaybe felt. For all settingsotherthan Hi, simplyadjustyourflame for best results.
The sizeandtypeofcookwareandtheamountandtype offood beingcookedwill influence the settingneeded for best resuRs.Suggestedsettingsare providedas guidelines.
HI: | A fast heatto startcookingquickly,to bringliquidsto |
| @ |
| e boil,to preheatoilfor deep fat frying. |
| |
{Meal. High) For fast fryingor browningof foods,to maintainrap_ | _'_..__ | ||
| boil of large amounts of food, to maintain oll |
| |
| temperaturefor deep fat frying. |
| |
Meal: | For most frying, sauteing, and slow boil of large | _ |
| amountsof food. |
(Meal.Lo) For simmering,maintainingboilof smallamountsof |
| |
| food. |
Lo: | Maintaining serving temperature of foods, melting |
| butteror chocolate. |