| 23 | |
S | Screen Correction ................................................ | 30 |
| Screen Mask ........................................................ | |
| ||
| ||
| Shift ..................................................................... | |
| Side by Side ........................................................ | |
| Signal Display ...................................................... | |
| Software Ver. ....................................................... | |
| Specifications ...................................................... | 74 |
T | THX ..................................................................... | 13 |
| Top and Bottom ................................................... | |
| Trigger ................................................................. | 59 |
| Troubleshooting ................................................... | 65 |
U | User Name Edit ................................................... | 47 |
V | Viewing 3D Movies .............................................. | 32 |
| Viewing Videos .................................................... | 25 |
W When the following messages appear... .............. | 69 | |
Z | Zoom ................................................................... | 28 |
Symbol |
| |
| 2D/3D Conversion ............................................... | |
| 3D Crosstalk Cancel ............................................ | |
| 3D Format ............................................................ | |
| 3D Glasses .................................................... | |
| 3D Setting ...................................................... | |
| 3D Synchro Emitter ........................................ | 11, 32 |