Infonnace pro uiivatele k Iikvidaci stareho zaRzeni a baterii
-[Pauze pro Evropskou unii]
lyto symboly znamenajf, if produkt a baterie s timto symbolem nesmi byt po skaneenf iivotnosti likvidovfmy jako beinyodpad.
iSpravnou Iikvidad lohota produktu pomuiete zachovat pffrodni zdroje a napomahiHe prevenci potencialnich negativnfch dopadu na iivotni prostfedi alidske zdravi.
Baterie | Znacka Pb pod symbolem pro baterie znameml, ie tato baterie obsahuje clova. | |
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• lnacku alogo Bluetooth avlastni spolecnost Bluetooth SIG, Inc. | Vazenyzakaznfku, | |
Jakekoli pouiivani t&hto znacek spolecnostl Vietor Company of | tento pflstroj je vsouladu splatnymi evropskymi smernicemi a |
Japan, limited (JVC) podleha podmfnkam licence. Ostatnf ochranne normami ohledne elektromagneticke kompatibility abezpecnosti
znamkya obchodni nazvy naleiejf pfislusnym vlastnikum. |
| elektrickychpfistroju. | ||
• Tento adapter byl navrien vylucne pro pouiiti sprijimacem JVC do | Evropsky zastupce spolecnosti Vietor Company ofJapan, limited je: | |||
vozidla. Nepouifvejte tento adapters jinym piijimacem do vozidla. | ||||
JVCTechnical Services Europe GmbH | ||||
Podrobnosti najdete rovnei vprfrucce dodane sVasim pfijfmacem. | ||||
Postfach 10 05 04 | ||||
| ||
| 61145 Fri,dberg | |
| Nemffko | |
| Felhaszmiloi informacio az elhasznalt berendezesek es akkumul<itorok elhelyezeserol | |||
| ((sak Europai Unio] |
| |
| Ezek aszimb61umok aztjelzik, hogy az ilyen jelzesseJ ellatott termeket es akkumulatort hasznos elettartama | |||
| vegen nem szabad haztartasi szemetkent kezelni. | |||
Termekek | Ajelen termek es akkumulator hulladekkent kezelesekor jarjunk el az idevag6 orszagos rendelkezesek vagy az | |||
adottorszagban, iIIetvehelyhatosagikorzetbenervenyesegyebel6frasokszerint. | ||||
- | Atermek megfelel6 artalmatlanftasaval seqlt megorizni atermeszetes erOforrasokat, es megel6zheti a | |||
kornyezetreesazegeszsegregyakoroltartalmashatasokat. | ||||
)t | Megjegyze" |
| |
Akkumulator | Azalabbi Pb szimbolum - ha az akkumulatoron megtalalhat6 - aztjelzi, hogy az akkumulator almot tartalmaz. | |||
| ||
ABluetooth sz6 aBluetooth SlG, Inc. sajat tulajdonu jelzese | Tiszteltvasarlo! | |||
es log6ja, es aVidor Company of Japan, limited (JVO licenc | Ez atermek megfelel az Europai Unio elektromagneses | |||
alapjanhasznaljaejelzeseket.Alobbikereskedelmivedjegyes | kompatibilitasr61,azelektromoseselektronikusberendezesek | |||
megnevezesazerintetttulajdonosokbirtokabanvan. | biztonsagrol sz616 iranyelveinek es szabvanyainak. | |||
Ez az adapter kizarolag aJVC autoradi6khoz hasznalhat6. Ne | AVictor Company of Japan, Limited europai kepviseloje: | |||
probalkozzunkmasautoradiokatmegtaplalnivele. | JVC Technical Services Europe GmbH | |||
Areszleteket lasd avev6hoz mellekelt utmutatokban. | Posrtach 100504 | |||
| 61145 Fri,dberg | ||
| Nemetorszag | ||
',jim'!' |
| ~ | ||
| onacHimo Bluetooth SIG, Inc. B'"0P_CTaHH.4_X MapoK | |
| [TinbK. An. topone.'bKoroCoI03Y] |
| KOMn,,;,1O Victor Company ofJapan, limited (JVC) | |
| 3Ai~CHIOETbCA 3a niueH3iEIO.IHWi TopriBenbHi | |
| roproBi Ha3B~ Hane~arb | |
| • |
| )laH~~ aAanrep | |
WaHOBHtl~ nOKynellb! |
| 3 | ||
npl1naA Bi,QnOBiAaE |
| |||
| ||||
Uel1- |
| ||
| aBTOMo6inbH~Mt1 nplo1l1Ma4aMtl. | |||
cyMicHoai Ta eneKTptl4HO',6e3neKtl. |
| |||
| )lnR 6inbW AeranbHoro 03Ha~OMneHHA | |||
npeACTaoH.',oMnaH,iVi'torCompany ofJapan, limited: |
| |||
| 1110 BXOAI1Tb AO KOMnneKTy nocra4aHHA | |||
JVC Technical Services Europe GmbH |
| |||
| |||
Postf"h 10OS 04 |
| ||
61145 Friedberg |
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HiMe44lrtHa |
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| Informatii pentru utilizatori cu privire la evacuarea ca deseu aechipamentelor si bateriilor | |||
| vechi |
| |
| [Doar in Uniunea Europeanii] |
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| Aceste simboluri indica faptul ca produsul ~i bateriile cu acest simbol nu trebuie sa fie evacuate la fer ca de~eurile | |||
Produse | menajerelafinaluldurateidevia!a. |
| |
Daca dori!) sa evacua!i ca de~eu acest produs ~i bateria, va rugam sa face!i acest lucru in conformitate cu legislatia | ||||
)t | in vigoare sau cu alea prevederi din tara sau municipalitatea dumneavoastra. | |||
- | Prin evacuarea coreda aacestui produs, yeti avuta la conservarea resurselor naturale~i yeti contribui la prevenirea | |||
| posibilelor efeete negative asupra mediului ~i sanatatii umane. | |||
Baterie | Observalie: |
| |
SemnulPbdemaijospentrubateriiindicafaptulcabateriacontineplumb. | ||||
| ||||
Cuvimtul ~i siglele Bluetooth suntde!inute de Bluetooth SIG, | Stimateclient, | |||
Inc. ~i sunt utilizate de Vidor Company of Japan, limited (JVC) | Acest aparat respecta diredivele ~i standardele europene privind | |||
sub Hcen!a. Celelalte marci comerciale ~i nume comerdale | compatibilitatea eleetromagnetica ~i siguranta produselor electronice. | |||
apartin posesoriloracestora. | Reprezentantul european al Vietor Company of Japan, Limited este: | |||
•Acestadaptorafostrealizatpentruutilizareaexclusivacu JVC Technical Services Europe GmbH
aparateleautoJVe. Nufolositiacestadaptorcualteaparate Postfach 10 05 04
auto. | 61145 Fri,dberg |
Pentrumaimultedetalii,consulta!ilnstruqiunilefurnizatecu | Germania |
aparatuldumneavoastra. |
~1, .Bluetooth 51G, Inc..u.,..:.J .u""" | ~IJu...c, Bluetooth 4!.< ...."" • |
Victor Company of Japan, .i.S~ .oi...b | 1~ ~~'ll..1.J1 flU |
~~~19 .s""";;"~1 4....)4wJl ~l.<.~1 ~;> ~~ ~ limited (NCl
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'~.,;oQL;.J1 | |
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:Victor Company ofJapan, limited ~t~.J..>1 ~~L..;
JVC Technical Services Europe GmbH
Postfach 100504
~)t~~~~""'''''IIIIIIIIII~·'·T~a~nd~a~ka~ta~d~an~I~09~O~BI~ue~to~o~th~d~im~i1i~ki~ol~'h~B~lu~'t~o~ot~h5~IG,. -
Inc. dan segala penggunaan tanda
- |
| tersebut oleh Vietor Company ofJapan, limited (jVC) adalah berdasarkan lisensi. Merek |
[Hanya Uni EropaJ | dagang dan nama dagang lainnya adalah hak pemilik | |
• | Adaptor ini memiliki desain eksklusif untuk digunakan dengan car rffeiver lalat penerima di | |
| mobil] JVe. Jangan gunakan adaptor ini dengan unit penerima mobil yang lain. | |
| Untuk rindan selengkapnya, baca petunjuk yang dibekalkan dengan alat penerima. | |
MHtbopMaUMJ13a nOrpe6HTenMTe Ha AenOHHDaHH crapo 060pYllBaHe H6arepHH
[(aMo]a EBponeMCKltft Cb103]
AKO lKenaeTe Aa
6aTep." | 3HaKbr Pb nOli CHMBona 3a 6aTepl1H yKa3Ba, lie Ta3H 6aTep\.1A cbllbplKa 0110BO. |
MapKaTa 14 norOTO Ha Bluetooth (a co60BeHoCT Ha Bluetooth SIG, Inc., tl BCRKO lunO/BsaHe Ha Te3H MapKIl OT apaHa Ha Victor Company of Japan, Limited (JVC) ClaBa no mH~eH3. OCTaHamne TbprOB(KIo1
T03H allanrep enpellHa3HalieH 3a 1l3KJ1IOI.IIlTeIlHa ynoTpe6a c aBTOM05l1nHIl npl1eMH~'l..l1l Ha JVe.
Jla He ce 1l3n0Jl3Ba aAanrepbT cAPyr aSTOM061lneH
T0311 anapaT eBCbQTBeTClBHe cBanl.1,l\HIHe esponeClcKI1
EBponeClcKH npe,l\ClaSHTen Ha Vidor Company of Japan, Limited e: JVCTechnical Services Europe GmbH
Postfach 100504
61145 Fri,dberg