Poureviterblessureoudommage materiel,observezies pointssuivants:

>Assurez-vousque1'6tag_estbienre fix6eavantd'yplacerdesarticles.


enverretremp&Ellespeuventse brisersoudainementsi ellessont

entaill_es,egratign6esouexpos_es& debrusqueschangementsde temperature.


LesF:tag_resde Retenue

de Flaqueretiennentles


petitsdeversements,ce qui facilitele nettoyage.

>Pourenleverles 6tag_res,soulevez-les pourles sortir.

>Pourinstallerlesetageres,procedez inversement.

LesF:tag_resde Retenuede 8q

FlaqueQuiGlissent _..____

Dehoursse _ _'-"_

caracterisentpar ,.,_"--l___J :-_

leurfacilit6de II_'_


leurconceptionquipermetdelestirer pour atteindrelesarticlessitu_s&I'arriere.

L'6tagereenverrepeutaussi_treenlev_een latirant&fondet enla soulevantdeson



Lacommandesetrouvesurla paroigauche du r6frig_rateurCettecommandepermetde. r6glerlaquantit6d'aircirculantdansle compartiment&beverageTournezla. commandedanslesensdesaiguillesd'une montrepourlatemperatureplusfroide.

PourreUrerle compartimentde boisson et le remettreen place :

Sile casierpourproduitslaitiersou le balconnetse trouvedirectementau- dessusducompartimentdeboisson,il pourrafalloirle retirer.Suivreles explicationsquiconviennentpourretirer I'articleFairecoulisserlecompartiment. deboissonverslehautet I'enlever.


d'arri%ed'air A

I'undesorifices \_-n,---,HH

enplace,alignerfroid(A)dutll compartiment __ _[_I_iIl deboissonsur I'unedesdeuxarri%esd'air(B)situees danslacuveint_rieuredela porte. Pousserle compartimentdansle dispositif deretenuede I'habillageinterieurde la portejusqu'&ce qu'ilbute.

IMPORTANT:Lecompartmentdeboissonne fonctionnepassi lesorificesd'arriv6ed'airne sontpasalign6ssur I'arriv_d'airdanse I'habillageinterieurdela porte.



Ce compartimentprocureunespacede rangementpratiquepourlebeurre,les yogourts,lefromage,etc.

>Pourleremettreenplace,glisserlecasier dansledispositifde retenuedeI'habillage int6rieurde laportedudessuset pousser versle basjusqu'&cequ'ilbute.

Pourretirerla portedu casieret la remettreen place:

>Pourla retirer,poussersurles c6tesdela porteducasieret I'enlever.

>Pourla remettreenplace,glisserles cSt_sde laporteducasierdanscelui-ci jusqu'&ce quelespointescharni_res s'enclenchentplace.




Le BalconnetInclinablese composed'un casieret d'unencadrementet procureun espacede rangementpratiqueet reglable pourles alimentsdansla porte.Lebalconnet peut_treinclin_versI'avantpourfaciliter I'accesauxarticleset enlevepourfaciliterle nettoyageet le r_glage.

Pourretirerle balconnetet le remettreen

place :

>Pourretirerle balconnet,I'incliner versI'avantet I'enlever.

>Pourremettrelebalconnetenplace,le faireglisserdanssonencadrementet le pousser&laverticale.

PourreglerI'encadrementdu balconnet:

> Retirerlebalconneten ,.._/










boissongardentles boissonsetautresarticles &unetemperaturejusqu'&3 °Cplusfroide quele restedur6frig6rateurL'arriveed'air. permet& I'airducongelateurdepasserdans lecompartimentde boisson.

IIestreglableet setrouvedansla porte.II peut_treplac_&diff_rentsendroitsdela portepourmieuxI'adapterauxbesoinsde rangement.

Pourretirerle casierpourproduitslaitiers et le remettreen place :

>PourI'enlever, fairecoulisser versle hautet le retirer.


dela porteet leplacer&I'emplacement desir6.


LesBalconnetsse r_glent

selonlesbesoinsparticuliersde rangement.

>Pourlesretirer, coulissez-tes verslehautet tirez-lestoutdroit.

>Pourles installer,proc_dezinversement.


Page 42
Image 42
Kenmore 596.534623, 596.53463300 Etagi RES DE Retenue, DE Flaque, Casier Pour Produits Laitiers, Compartiment DE Boisson

596.50003100, 596.50002100, 596.534623, 596.52674200, 596.50004100 specifications

The Kenmore 596 series, including models 596.53463300, 596.52679200, 596.52672200, 596.53464300, and 596.52673200, is a line of high-quality refrigerators designed to meet the diverse needs of modern kitchens. These models are known for their sleek design and efficient performance.

One of the main features of this series is the spacious interior, designed to maximize storage capacity while maintaining convenience. The large fresh food compartment includes adjustable shelves, gallon door bins, and a crisper drawer that help keep fruits and vegetables fresh for longer. The layout is aimed at making organization easy and accessible.

Another standout characteristic of the Kenmore 596 series is the advanced cooling technology. The models are equipped with a multi-air flow system that ensures even distribution of cold air throughout the refrigerator, preventing hot spots and ensuring that all food items are kept at optimal temperatures. Additionally, the series features frost-free technology, which eliminates the need for manual defrosting, saving time and effort for users.

In terms of energy efficiency, the Kenmore 596 series is designed to operate on minimal power consumption while maintaining peak performance. Each model is compliant with ENERGY STARĀ® standards, which means they meet the strict guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for energy efficiency. This not only reduces energy bills but also contributes to a more sustainable environment.

The exterior of the Kenmore refrigerators includes a contemporary finish, available in various colors to match different kitchen aesthetics. The stainless steel options are particularly popular due to their modern look and ease of cleaning. Moreover, integrated LED lighting helps users find items effortlessly, illuminating the interior without generating excess heat.

Additional features include adjustable temperature controls, a water and ice dispenser (in select models), and smart home compatibility, allowing users to monitor and control their refrigerator remotely.

Overall, the Kenmore 596 series combines functionality, efficiency, and style, making it a worthy investment for any household looking for a reliable and modern refrigeration solution. With a focus on user-friendly features and innovative technologies, these models stand out as some of the best refrigerators on the market today.