Song Play
P1 P2 P3 P7 P8 P9
For details on the master effects, refer to p.182 8. Effect
91: Master FX
Here you can select the type of each master effect, turn it
on/off, and make chain and master EQ settings. These set-
tings are the same as in Program mode. Program 91:
Master FX (Master Effects).
91: Page Menu Command
91A: Copy Master Effect
Program P9: 91A: Copy Master Effect.
However, the MIDI control channel specied by Ctrl Ch in
the MFX1 and 2 pages will not be copied.
91B: Swap Master Effect
Program P9: 91B: Swap Master Effect.
However, the MIDI control channel specied by Ctrl Ch in
the MFX1 and 2 pages will not be swapped.
92: MFX 1
93: MFX 2
Here you can set the parameters of the effects selected for
MFX 1 and 2 in the Master FX page (p.187).
92(3)a: Ctrl Ch
Ctrl Ch [Ch01...16, Gch]
Species the MIDI channel that will control dynamic
modulation (Dmod) for the master effects. With a set-
ting of Gch, the global MIDI channel MIDI Channel
(Global P1: 11a) will be used for control.
94: Master EQ
The master EQ is a three-band stereo EQ. It is located imme-
diately before the L/R bus is sent from the AUDIO OUTPUT
(MAIN OUT) L/MONO and R, and is used to apply overall
equalization (tonal adjustments) (p.239).
94a: Ctrl Ch
Ctrl Ch [Ch01...16, Gch]
Species the MIDI channel that will control dynamic
modulation (Dmod) for the master EQ. With a setting of
Gch, the global MIDI channel MIDI Channel (Global
P1: 11a) will be used for control.
The MEQ High Gain and MEQ Low gain can be controlled
by assigning a modulation source to the Low Gain Mod-
Src: and the High Gain Mod-Src: functions on this page.
Song Play P9: Master Effect