
The following table shows the relation between the MIDI

messages that are transmitted when the TRITON STUDIOs

controllers are operated, and the AMS (alternate modulation

source) or DMS (dynamic modulation source) that corre-

spond to each MIDI message. # indicates a xed function,

and * indicates an assignable function.

When one of the TRITON STUDIOs controllers is operated,

the corresponding or the assigned control change will be

transmitted. Pitch Bend messages will be transmitted only

when the joystick is moved in the X (horizontal) direction.

When Knob1...4 or SW1, 2 are selected for Assignable Switch

or Assignable Pedal, the corresponding MIDI control change

message will be transmitted according to the Knob1...4 B-

Assign and SW1/2 Assign settings of each mode.

The following page describes operation in each mode. (Only

control changes are explained here, but the same applies to

pitch bend.)

MIDI transmission when the TRITON STUDIOs controllers are operated
TRITON STUDIO controller Available
for AMS Available
Joy Stick Ribbon Value
Slider Realtime
Knob Velocity
Knob SW1,2 ARP On/
Off Damper Assign-
MIDI channel messages
Note-on (note number) **
Note-on (velocity) **
Poly after touch *
CC# 0 Bank select (MSB) *
1 Modulation 1 # (+Y) * * * * *
2 Modulation 2 # (Y) * * * * *
4 Foot controller * ***
5 Portamento time * *
6 Data entry (MSB) *
7 Volume * *
8 Post insertion effect panpot * *
10 Panpot * *
11 Expression * *
12 Effect control 1 * **
13 Effect control 2 * **
14...15 *
16 Ribbon controller # * * * * *
17 Knob modulation 1 * * * * *
18 Controller (CC#18) # * **
19 Knob modulation 2 * **
20 Knob modulation 3 * **
21 Knob modulation 4 * **
22...31 *
32 Bank select (LSB) *
33...37 *
38 Data entry (LSB) *
39...63 *
64 Damper *#**
65 Portamento On/Off * * * * *
66 Sostenuto On/Off * * * *
67 Soft ***
68...69 *
70 Sustain level *
71 Filter resonance level/High pass
lter cutoff frequency * (Knob2) *
72 Release time * (Knob4) *
73 Attack time *
74 Low pass lter cutoff frequency * (Knob1) *
75 Decay time *
76 LFO1 speed *
77 LFO1 depth (pitch) *
78 LFO1 delay *
79 Filter EG intensity * (Knob3) *
80 SW1 modulation On/Off * * (SW1) * *
81 SW2 modulation On/Off * * (SW2) * *
82 Foot switch On/Off * * * *
83 Controller (CC#83) * **
84...90 - *
91 Effect depth 1 (send 2 level) * *
92 Effect depth 2 (insertion effect
1,2,3,4,5 On/Off) *
93 Effect depth 3 (send 1 level) * *
94 Effect depth 4 (master effect 1
On/Off) *
95 Effect depth 5 (master effect 2
On/Off) *
96 Data increment
97 Data decrement
2: Arpeggiator on/off switch #*
10: Arpeggiator gate control #
11: Arpeggiator velocity control #
99 NRPN(MSB) 0 ## # *
100 RPN(LSB)
0: Bend range
1: Fine tune
2: Coarse tune
101 RPN(MSB) 0
102...127 -
Program change
Channel after touch **
Bender change # (X) **
Universal exclusive
Master volume * *
Master balance
Master ne tune
Master coarse tune