
The following table shows the operations that the TRITON

STUDIO will perform when control change messages are

received, and the relation between settings and controller

movements on the TRITON STUDIO

Any control change number (CC#0095) can be

assigned as the B-mode function of a REALTIME CON-

TROLS knob. In this case, the transmitted values will all

be 0127.

TRITON STUDIO operations when control changes are trans-mitted/received
CC# Control Value Function
0 Bank select (MSB) 0...127 bank select message MSB *1
1 Modulation 1 0...127 corresponds to joystick movement in the +Y direction (Vertical upward)
2 Modulation 2 0...127 corresponds to joystick movement in the Y direction (Vertical downward)
4 Foot controller 0...127 corresponds to when the assignable pedal function is set to Foot Pedal
5 Portamento time 0...127 portamento time
6 Data entry (MSB) 0...127 MSB of RPN and NRPN data *2
7 Volume 0...127 volume *3
8 Post insertion effect panpot 0...127 pan after the insertion effect
10 Panpot 0...127 pan
11 Expression 0...127 volume *3
12 Effect control 1 0...127 corresponds to effect dynamic control source FXCtrl1
13 Effect control 2 0...127 corresponds to effect dynamic control source FXCtrl2
16 Ribbon controller 0...127 corresponds to ribbon controller operation
17 Knob modulation 1 0...127 corresponds to when Knob Mod.1 is assigned as the B-mode function of a
18 Controller (CC#18) 0...127 for control of Alternate Modulation or Effect Dynamic Modulation *8
19 Knob modulation 2 0...127 corresponds to when Knob Mod.2 is assigned as the B-mode function of a
20 Knob modulation 3 0...127 corresponds to when Knob Mod.3 is assigned as the B-mode function of a
21 Knob modulation 4 0...127 corresponds to when Knob Mod.4 is assigned as the B-mode function of a
32 Bank select (LSB) 0...127 LSB of bank select message *1
38 Data entry (LSB) 0...127 LSB of RPN or NRPN data *2
64 Damper 0...127 damper effect
65 Portamento On/Off 0...63(Off), 64...127(On) turn the portamento effect on/off
66 Sostenuto On/Off 0...63(Off), 64...127(On) turn the sostenuto effect on/off
67 Soft 0...127 soft pedal effect
70 Sustain level 0...127 sustain levels of the lter EG and amp EG *4
71 Filter resonance level
High pass lter cutoff frequency 0...127
0...127 resonance level of the lter
cutoff frequency of the high pass lter *5
72 Release time 0...127 release times of the lter EG and amp EG *4
73 Attack time 0...127 attack times of the lter EG and amp EG *4
74 Low pass lter cutoff frequency 0...127 cutoff frequency of the low pass lter *4
75 Decay time 0...127 decay times/slope times of the lter EG and amp EG *4
76 LFO1 speed 0...127 LFO1 speed *4
77 LFO1 depth 0...127 pitch LFO1 intensity *4
78 LFO1 delay 0...127 LFO1 delay *4
79 Filter EG intensity 0...127 lter EG intensity *4
80 Panel switch 1 On/Off 0...63(Off), 64...127(On) corresponds to on/off when the SW1 function is set to SW1 Mod.
81 Panel switch 2 On/Off 0...63(Off), 64...127(On) corresponds to on/off when the SW2 function is set to SW2 Mod.
82 Foot switch On/Off 0...63(Off), 64...127(On) corresponds to on/off when the function of the assignable foot switch is set to
Foot SW
83 Controller (CC#83) 0...127 for controlling Alternate Modulation or Effect Dynamic Modulation
91 Effect 1 depth 0...127 send 2 level
92 Effect 2 depth 0(Off), 1...127(On) turn insertion effect 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 on/off *6
93 Effect 3 depth 0...127 send 1 level
94 Effect 4 depth 0(Off), 1...127(On) master effect 1 on/off *6
95 Effect 5 depth 0(Off), 1...127(On) master effect 2 on/off *6
96 Data increment 0
97 Data decrement 0
98 NRPN(LSB) 2
corresponds to the arpeggiator on/off switch
corresponds to the arpeggiator Gate control knob
corresponds to the arpeggiator Velocity control knob
100 RPN(LSB) 0 select the pitch bend range *2
1 select Fine Tune *2
2 select Coarse Tune *2
101 RPN(MSB) 0 MSB of RPN