21: MIDI Channel (MIDI Ch)
Here you can make MIDI settings for each timbre.

21a:Combination Name, Selected Timbre

Information, Timbre Number, Program


Combination Name
Displays the bank, number, and name of the combination
selected in Combination P0: Play.
Selected Timbre Information
Displays information about the selected timbre (18). (P0:
Timbre Number (1...8)
Displays the timbre number. (P0: 01c)
Program Category
Displays the category of the program assigned to the timbre.
(P0: 02a)

21b:Status, MIDI Channel, Bank Select

Status [INT, Off, EXT, EX2]
Status can also be set from the P0: Play, Program Select
page. (P0: 01c)
MIDI Channel [01...16, Gch]
Sets the MIDI transmit/receive channel for each timbre 18.
Gch: The timbre will use the channel that has been selected
as the global MIDI channel MIDI Channel (Global P1: 1
When Status is INT, MIDI messages will be received on
the channel you specify here. If this setting is the same as the
global MIDI channel, the internal tone generator will sound
according to the internal settings. If this is set to EXT or EX2,
playing the TRITON STUDIO will transmit MIDI messages
on the MIDI channel specied here. (Messages will also be
transmitted simultaneously on the global MIDI channel.)
Bank Select (When Status=EX2) [000:000...127:127]
Species the bank number that will be transmitted when
Status is set to EX2. The value at left is the MSB, and the
value at right is the LSB.
This setting has no effect if Status is other than EX2.

22: OSC

These settings specify how each timbre will be played.

22a: Force OSC Mode, OSC Select, Portamento

Force OSC Mode [PRG, Poly, MN, LGT]
Species the Voice Assign Mode (Program P1: 11b) of the
program selected for each timbre 18.
PRG: The settings of the program will be used.
Poly: The timbre will play polyphonically, regardless of the
settings of the program.
MN (Mono): The timbre will play monophonically, regard-
less of the settings of the program.
LGT (Legato): The timbre will play monophonically, with
single triggering (legato).
When using MN or LGT settings, the note priority will fol-
low the Priority (Program P1: 11b) setting of the pro-
OSC Select [BTH, OS1, OS2]
Species the Oscillator Mode of the program selected for
each timbre 18. If the Oscillator Mode (Program P1: 1
1a) is Double, you can specify that either or both oscillators
BTH (Both): OSC1 and 2 will sound as specied by the set-
tings of the program.
OS1: Only OSC1 will sound.
OS2: Only OSC2 will sound. (If Oscillator Mode is Single
or Drums, there will be no sound.)
Portamento [PRG, Off, 001...127]
Make portamento settings for each timbre 18.
PRG: Portamento will be applied as specied by the pro-
gram settings.
Off: Portamento will be off, even if the original program set-
tings specied for it to be on.
001...127: Portamento will be applied with the portamento
time you specify here, even if it is turned off by the program
If the Status (01c, 21b) is set to INT, CC#05 (porta-
mento time) and CC#65 (portamento switch) messages
will be received and will control and change these set-
tings. (If the setting is PRG, CC#05 portamento time
will not be received.) These messages will be received
on the MIDI channel specied for each timbre by MIDI
Channel (21b).
Combination P2: EditTrk Param