P1 P2 P3 P4 P7 P8 P9

05b:Sampling Setup

Source BUS [L/R, Indiv.1/2]
Trigger [Sampling START SW, Note On]
Metronome Precount [Off, 4, 8, 3, 6]
Save to [RAM, DISK]
Mode (Sample Mode) [L-Mono, R-Mono, Stereo]
Sample Time [min sec]
Make settings for sampling in Combination mode. (Pro-
gram P0: 03)
Sampling Setup settings apply to the entire Combination
mode; not to an individual combination.

05c: Recording Level [dB]

Recording Level [inf, 72.0... 0.0...+18.0dB]
Adjusts the signal level at the nal stage of sampling in
Combination mode. (Sampling P0: 01d)
This setting defaults to 12 dB when you turn on the power.
At a setting of 12 dB, CLIP will not appear even if you play
the Combinetion at its maximum level.
(Program P0: 03c Recording Level)

05: Page Menu Command

01A: Write Combination, 01B: Solo Selected Timbre,
Program P0: 03A: Metronome Setup,
Program P0: 03B: Optimize RAM,
Program P0: 03C: Select Bank & Smpl No.,
Program P0: 03D: Select Directory

11: Program/Mixer

For each timbre 18, set the bank, program, pan and volume.

11a:Combination Name,

Selected Timbre Information

Combination Name
This shows the combination bank, number, and name
selected in Combination P0: Play.
Selected Timbre Information
Displays information about the selected timbre (18). (P0:

11b:Timbre Number, Category, Program Select,

Pan, Volume

Timbre Number (1...8)
Category [00...15]
Bank/Program (Program Select)
[INT-A...INT-F, G, g(1)...g(9), g(d), EXB-A...EXB-G]
Selects the program for each timbre.
These parameters can also be set from the P0: Play, Program
Select page. (P0: 01c)
Pan [RND, L001...C064...R127]
Volume [000...127]
Species the pan and volume of each timbre.
These parameters can also be set from the P0: Play, Mixer
page. (P0: 02a)
Combination P1: EditProgram/Mixer