
Song Play P8: Insert Effect ........................... 131

Specify the bus for the output of each track, and make
insert effect settings.
8–1: Routing 1–8
Specify the bus and the master effect send
levels for the output of each
8–2: Routing 9–16 ..................................................................131
8–3: Insert FX
Select insert effects, turn them on/off, and
make chain settings
8–4: IFX 1
Parameter settings for IFX1
8–5: IFX 2
Parameter settings for IFX2
8–6: IFX 3
Parameter settings for IFX3
8–7: IFX 4
Parameter settings for IFX4
8–8: IFX 5
Parameter settings for IFX5

Song Play P9: Master Effect.......................... 133

Make settings for the master effects and master EQ.
9–1: Master FX
Select the master effects, turn them on/
off, and make chain settings
9–2: MFX1
Parameter settings for MFX1
9–3: MFX2
Parameter settings for MFX2
9–4: Master EQ
Parameter settings for master EQ
6. Global mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

Global P0: Basic Setup.................................135

Make basic settings that affect the entire TRITON STUDIO,
and make AUDIO INPUT settings for other than Sampling
mode. If the EXB-mLAN option is installed, make settings
for mLAN input/output.
0–1: Basic
Master tune, key transpose, effect global
switch, and auto arpeggiator on/off
System Preference Bank map, system lock, and memory
protect settings
0–3: Input/Sampling
Audio input settings for other than
Sampling mode
0–4: mLAN Output
Audio and MIDI output settings to an
external mLAN device (EXB-mLAN
0–5: mLAN Input
Audio and MIDI input settings from an
external mLAN device (EXB-mLAN

Global P1: MIDI.........................................142

Make MIDI settings for the entire TRITON STUDIO.
1–1: MIDI
Settings such as global MIDI channel,
MIDI clock, and MIDI filter

Global P2: Controller...................................146

Make settings for the damper pedal and assignable foot
2–1: Controller
Damper pedal and assignable foot
switch/pedal settings

Global P3: User Scale..................................146

Create user octave scales and user all note scales.
3–1: User Scale
Create user scales

Global P4: Category Name............................ 147

Assign names to categories.
4–1: Program Cat.
Specify program category names
4–2: Comb Cat.
Specify combination category names

Global P5: Drum Kit.................................... 148

Edit or create drum kits.
5–1: Sample Setup
Assign a drum sample to each key
5–2: Voice/Mixer
Specify the bus and pan etc. for each key

Global P6: User Arpeggio..............................151

Edit or create user arpeggio patterns.
6–1: Pattern Setup
Specify the operation of the arpeggio
6–2: Pattern Edit
Input tones for each step