P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9
43: Vel Z 18 (Vel Zone T0108)
44: Vel Z 916 (Vel Zone T0916)
Here you can set the Top/Bottom Velocity parameters to
specify the range of velocities that will be sounded by tracks
116, and Top/Bottom Slope specify the range over which
the volume will be adjusted.
These settings do not affect MIDI transmission/recep-
tion. All note data that is received will be recorded into
the internal sequencer, and all note data from the inter-
nal sequencer or from the keyboard will be transmitted.

43(4)a: Top Velocity, Top Slope, Bottom Slope,

Bottom Velocity

Top Velocity [1127]

Species the maximum velocity that will be sounded by
each track 116.

Top Slope [0120]

Species the range of values over which the volume will be
adjusted from the top velocity until the original volume is

Bottom Slope [0120]

Species the range of values over which the volume will be
adjusted from the bottom velocity until the original volume
is reached.

Bottom Velocity [1127]

Species the minimum velocity that will be sounded by
each track 116.
You can also enter a value for these parameters by play-
ing a note while you hold down the [ENTER] key.
45: MOSS 18 (MOSS T0108)
46: MOSS 916 (MOSS T0916)
This page is displayed when the EXB-MOSS option has been
installed. For details refer to the owners manual included
with the EXB-MOSS.
47: Controller (Controller Setup)
Here you can set the functions that the [SW1] key, [SW2] key,
and the B-mode functions that the REALTIME CONTROL
knobs [1][4] will have in Sequencer mode.
When these switches or knobs are operated during
recording, the MIDI messages that you assign here will
be recorded.

47a: Panel Switch Assign

Assigns functions to the [SW1] and [SW2] keys (SW1, SW2
Assign List p.249).
Since the functions assigned to these switches by the pro-
gram assigned to each track will no longer be valid, you can
make new assignments here.

SW1 (SW1 Assign) [Off, ..., After Touch Lock]

SW1 Mode [Toggle, Momentary]

SW2 (SW2 Assign) [Off, ..., After Touch Lock]

SW2 Mode [Toggle, Momentary]
Program P1: 14a

47b: Realtime Control Knobs B-Assign

Here you can set the B-mode functions (mainly various con-
trol changes) that the REALTIME CONTROL knobs [1][4]
will have in Sequencer mode (Realtime Control Knobs B
Assign List p.250). The functions you specify here will
operate when you rotate the REALTIME CONTROL knobs
[1][4] in B-mode.
Since the functions assigned to these knobs by the program
assigned to each track will no longer be valid, you can make
new assignments here.

Knob 1-B [Off, ..., MIDI CC#95]

Knob 2-B [Off, ..., MIDI CC#95]

Knob 3-B [Off, ..., MIDI CC#95]

Knob 4-B [Off, ..., MIDI CC#95]

Program P1: 14b