a: Type, a: LFO Phase [degree]
Select the type of phaser LFO and tremolo LFO for the Type
parameter. How the effect sound moves or rotates depends on the
type of LFO. Selecting LFO Phase enables you to offset the tim-
ing of the phaser peak and control a subtle movement and rota-
tion of the sound.
f: Phaser WetDry, i: Wet/Dry
The Phaser Wet/Dry parameter sets the balance between the
phaser output and the dry sound. The Wet/Dry parameter sets
the balance between the nal phaser and tremolo output level and
the dry sound.
036: St. Ring Modulator

(Stereo Ring Modulator)

This effect creates a metallic sound by applying the oscillators

to the input signal. Use the LFO or Dynamic Modulation to

modulate the oscillator to create a radical modulation. Match-

ing the oscillator frequency with a note number will produce

a ring modulation effect in specic key ranges.

a: Pre LPF
This parameter enables you to set the damping amount of the
high range sound input to the ring modulator. If the input sound
contains lots of harmonics, the effect may sound dirty. In this case,
cut a certain amount of high range.
b: OSC Mode
This parameter determines whether or not the oscillator fre-
quency follows the note number.
c: Fixed Frequency [Hz]
This parameter sets the oscillator frequency when OSC Mode is
set to Fixed.
d: Note Offset, d: Note Fine
These parameters for the oscillator are used when OSC Mode is
set to Note (Key Follow). The Note Offset sets the pitch differ-
ence from the original note in semitone steps. The Note Fine
parameter ne-adjusts the pitch in cent steps. Matching the oscil-
lator frequency with the note number produces a ring modulation
effect in the correct key.
gTremolo Shape
Sets the degree of the tremolo LFO shaping 100...+100
Tremolo Depth
Sets the tremolo modulation depth 0...100
Src Off...Tempo
Selects the modulation source for the tremolo modulation depth
Amt 100...+100
Sets the modulation amount of the tremolo modulation depth
Wet/Dry Dry, 1:99...99:1, Wet
Sets the balance between the effect and dry sounds ,
Src Off...Tempo
Selects the modulation source of the effect balance
Sets the modulation amount of the effect balance 100...+100
aPre LPF 0...100
Sets the damping amount of the high range input to the ring modula-
bOSC Mode Fixed, Note (Key Follow)
Switching between specifying the oscillator frequency and using a
note number
Fixed Frequency [Hz] 0...12.00kHz
Sets the oscillator frequency when OSC Mode is set to Fixed
Src Off...Tempo
Selects the modulation source for the oscillator frequency when OSC
Mode is set to Fixed
Amt 12.00...+12.00kHz
Sets the modulation amount of the oscillator frequency when OSC
Mode is set to Fixed
Note Offset 48...+48
Sets the pitch difference from the original note when OSC Mode is
set to Note (Key Follow)
Note Fine
Fine-adjusts the oscillator frequency 100...+100
Wet / Dry
Wet / Dry
Stereo In - Stereo Out
Ring Modulator
Ring Modulator
Note No.
OSC Mode
Note (Key Follow)
Fixed Frequency Pitch
Note Offset, Fine
Sine Oscillator
LFO Frequency [Hz] 0.02...20.00Hz
Sets the LFO speed of the oscillator frequency modulation
Selects the modulation source of LFO speed Off...Tempo
Amt 20.00...+20.00Hz
Sets the modulation amount of LFO speed
BPM/MIDI Sync Off, On
Switches between using the frequency of the LFO speed and using
the tempo and notes Fx:009,
Selects MIDI Clock and assigns tempo MIDI, 40...240
Base Note                  
Selects the type of notes that specify the LFO speed Fx:009
Times x1...x16
Sets the number of notes that specify the LFO speed Fx:009
LFO Depth 0...100
Sets the depth of LFO modulation for the oscillator frequency
Src Off...Tempo
Selects the modulation source of the depth of modulation
Amt 100...+100
Sets the modulation amount of the depth of modulation
Wet/Dry Dry, 1:99...99:1, Wet
Sets the balance between the effect and dry sounds
Src Off...Tempo
Selects the modulation source of the effect balance
Sets the modulation amount of the effect balance 100...+100