Here you can create drum kits by assigning a drum instru-
ment (drum sample) to each key.
A drum kit that you create or edit here can be selected in
Program mode P1: Edit Basic Drum Kit (when Oscilla-
tor Mode is Drums) as an oscillator, and processed through
the lter, amp and effects in the same way as a multisam-
ple (when Oscillator Mode is Single or Double).
When you wish to edit a drum kit, enter Program mode,
select a program that uses a drum kit (i.e., whose Oscillator
Mode is Drums), and then move to this page. A program
that uses a drum kit will already have lter, amp, and effect
settings etc. suitable for drum sounds. (Programs in the sep-
arate VNL that use a drum kit are indicated by a sym-
Even if a program with an Oscillator Mode of Single or
Double is selected in Program mode, the program will
sound using its own lter and amp settings etc. Effects will
sound according to the settings of the program you selected.
You must set Octave (Program P1: 12a) to +0[8']. With
any setting other than +0[8'], the key locations and drum
sounds will not correspond correctly.
When a particular drum kit is edited, all programs that
use that drum kit will be affected.
If Enable Exclusive (11b) is checked, the drum kit
can be edited using exclusive data.
If you want the edited drum kit settings to be backed
up after you turn off the power, you must write them
into memory.
Execute the page menu command Write Global Set-
ting or press the SEQUENCER [REC/WRITE] key to
access the dialog box, and write the settings.
For details on creating a drum kit, refer to BG p.128.

51: Sample Setup

Here you can select a drum kit, assign High and Low drum
samples to each key, and set parameters for the High and
Low drum samples.

51a:Dr um Kit, KeySelect, Assign, Velocity Sample


Drum Kit [000(IA/B)...143(User)]
Selects the drum kit that you wish to edit.
If you want to edit a drum kit (such as a preloaded
drum kit) that is used by a program, it is a good idea to
use the page menu command Copy Drum Kit to copy
it to an unused number in 016 (E-A)143 (User), and
then edit the copy. Numbers 016 (E-A)127 (E-G) are
normally used to load drum kits for the EXB-PCM
series options (some models do not have included
drum kits).
If you want to edit the name of the drum kit, execute
the page menu command Rename Drum Kit.
KEY [C1...G9]
Selects the key to which the drum sample (and its settings)
will be assigned.
Use the VALUE controller to specify the key. You can also
select the key by holding down the [ENTER] key and play-
ing a note on the keyboard.
Two drum samples, High and Low, can be assigned to each
key, allowing you to switch between them by velocity.
If you check Assign for the key you select here, the High
Drumsample, Low Drumsample, Voice Assign Mode, and
Mixer parameters (see below) will be used.
Assign [Off, On]
On (checked): The drum samples you assigned for High
Drumsample and Low Drumsample will sound. Nor-
mally you will check this parameter.
Off (unchecked): The selected drumsamples will be invalid,
and the drum samples of the key to the right will sound. At
this time, the pitch will be a semitone lower than the pitch of
the key to the right. Uncheck this parameter when you wish
to play a drumsample at differing pitches.
Velocity Sample SW LoHi [001...127]
Species the velocity value at which you will switch from
the Low Drumsample to the High Drumsample. Veloc-
ities above this value will sound the High Drumsample,
and velocities below this value will sound the Low Drum-
sample. If you do not wish to use velocity switching, set
this to 001 and specify only the High Drumsample
(Velocity M.Sample SW LoHi Program P1: 12c).

51b: High Drumsample

High Drumsample Bank [ROM, RAM, EXB*...]
High Drumsample [000...416, 0000...3999, 000...]
Selects the High drum sample by its bank and drumsample
number. The drumsample you select here will sound when
the velocity is greater than the Velocity Sample SW
LoHi (51a) setting.
ROM: Selects preset drum samples. For High Drumsam-
ple you can select from 000: BD-Dry 1416: Vox-Wah Gtr 4.
Global P5: Drum Kit
00(I-A/B)...15(I-A/B) Preloaded drum kits
User drum kits,
EXB-PCM series drum kits
128(User)...143(User) User drum kits
(some preloaded drum kits)