Changing the sounds and instructions
1.Select jÉåì → qççäë=C=d~ãÉë → jóëíáÅ=f=`ÜáåÖ=→ pÉííáåÖëK
2.Select an option:
–pçìåÇ=allows you to determine when you hear music with this game. Choose=pçìåÇ=^äï~óë,=aìêáåÖ=qáíäÉ, or kç=pçìåÇ.
–fåëíêìÅíáçå=aáëéä~ó lets you choose how to view instructions. Choose= pÜçï=fåëíêìÅíáçåë or eáÇÉ=fåëíêìÅíáçåëK
3.Press to save your setting.
Cavern Crawl™
This adventure game sends the player through a
To collect items or attack monsters, simply move over them. Monsters attack you by attempting to move over your spot.
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