Keeping track of your calls
Your phone has two timers that count the amount of calls you have made and received.
All Calls
This timer displays the total number and duration of all calls you have made and received. You cannot reset this timer.
•Select jÉåì → pÉííáåÖë →=`~ää=fåÑçêã~íáçå=→ ^ää=`~ääë=qáãÉê.
Recent Calls
This timer displays the total number and duration of recent calls you have made and received since the last time you reset the timer.
1.Select jÉåì → pÉííáåÖë →=`~ää=fåÑçêã~íáçå=→ oÉÅÉåí=`~ääë=qáãÉê.
2.Press to select oÉëÉí. This resets the timer to zero.
Timing your calls
If you want to know how long you are spending on a call, you can set up your phone to beep 10 seconds before each minute.
•Select jÉåì → pÉííáåÖë → pçìåÇë=→ jáåìíÉ=^äÉêí=→ bå~ÄäÉÇK
User Guide for the Kyocera S14 Opal phone | 25 |