It would be as if the phone were “off” for that number. Your voicemail, however, will still take messages. All contacts and settings are shared for both lines.
Note: Not all service providers support this feature. Check with your service provider for availability.
1.Select jÉåì → pÉííáåÖë → kÉíïçêâ=→=pÉí mÜçåÉ=iáåÉK
2.Select the other phone line and press .
Note: Once a second phone line is established by your service provider, the second phone number becomes available for selection in this menu.
Connecting to a laptop or a PC
The Com Port speed sets the data rate at which your phone connects to a laptop or PC.
1.Select jÉåì → pÉííáåÖë → ^ÅÅÉëëçêáÉë=→ `çã=mçêí=péÉÉÇK
User Guide for the Kyocera S14 Opal phone | 73 |