Setting voicemail alerts
You can set an alert to beep or vibrate once or every five minutes after you have received a voicemail message.
1.Select jÉåì → jÉëë~ÖÉë →jëÖ=pÉííáåÖë → sçáÅÉã~áä=^äÉêíK
2.Press to select an option:
–aáë~ÄäÉÇÔTurn alert off.
–sáÄê~íÉ=çåÅÉÔVibrate once when message is received.
–sáÄÉ=C=êÉãáåÇÔVibrate when message is received, and every five minutes until you open and close the flip or press .
–pçÑí=ÄÉÉéëÔBeep softly when message is received, and every five minutes until you open and close the flip or press .
User Guide for the Kyocera S14 Opal phone | 23 |