Logout | Getting Started |
3.5.2 SPX
The MSS and the target device must advertise themselves via SAP announcements. To view all available SPX devices (those advertising themselves) type Show Nodes SPX at the Local prompt. Then type ÒSPXÓ followed by the target deviceÕs SAP name.
Figure 3-10: SPX Connection
Local> SPX sap_name
3.5.3 LAT
To connect to a LAT service, type the word ÒLATÓ followed by the name of the desired host or service. To view available LAT nodes and services, enter Show Nodes LAT or Show Services at the Local prompt. The example below shows how to connect to the
Figure 3-11: LAT Service Connection
Local> LAT “modem”
3.6 Logout
To manually log out of the MSS, type ÒLogoutÓ or ÒLogout PortÓ at the Local prompt or press
Figure 3-12: Logging out of the MSS
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