Using the MSS | Interactive Connections |
5.2.3 Status Displays
These eleven commands display information about the current conÞguration and operating status of the MSS. The following sections describe what a user will see when typing the Show commands in interactive (local) mode. Show Hostlist
This command shows the current contents of the host table used for multihost mode connections. Host entries are numbered from 1 to 8. Show IPsecurity
This command shows the current TCP/IP security table, if one exists. Addresses or ranges of addresses are listed according to the kind of restrictions placed upon them. Show NetWare
All necessary information related to IPX/SPX connections can be viewed including the name of the NetWare loadserver and the number of frames transmitted. SpeciÞcally, a user can Þnd out which frame types are enabled, if internal routing is enabled, and what internal network number governs internal routing. Show Node LAT/SPX
This command shows the LAT or SPX nodes that the MSS can see. For LAT, the name of each service node is listed along with its identiÞcation string and availability. For SPX, node information includes each nodeÕs socket number, hop count, frame type, and status. Show Ports
This command displays the conÞguration and connection status of the serial port. Settings such as ßow control, baud rate, parity, and default hosts are shown. In addition, users can view the status of DSR and DTR serial signals, port access type, and login status. Errors are summarized, although in less detail than those shown by the Show Server Counters command. Show Server Bootparams
This command displays MSS identiÞcation and boot procedure information. The Þrst lines display the MSS version, hardware address, network name and node number, identiÞcation string, and how long the MSS has been running. Software and ROM versions, conÞgured loadhosts, and startup Þles are also displayed.
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