
Unit converter [Menu 9-4]

This feature helps you to either convert the weight or length in different unit.

With Weight converter, you can convert Kg units into Pound or Ounce units.

With Length converter, you can have the following options:


Km units expressed in Mile units


Meter units expressed in Yard or Foot units.


Cm units expressed in Inch units.


After enter the amount to be converted, press “OK” to

find out the result.


Currency Converter [Menu 9-5]


This feature helps you to convert the currency in different rate you have entered. Within Currency converter, you can input the exchange rate and press “OK” to convert Local to Foreign currency.

Health [Menu 9-6]

There are two features in healthy option, which are BMI and Menstrual.


BMI helps to calculate your body fat to check see if you are in normal range or too fat.

Menstrual helps to calculate lady’s period schedule.

BMI (Body Mass Index)

This function helps to calculate your body fat in relation to your height and weight.

To calculate the BMI value process, you will need

1.Select your gender by using navigation key.

2.Enter your height in centimeters and weight in kilos by using the numeric keys and press “OK”.

3.Finally, your BMI ratio value is calculated and the result is displayed


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LG Electronics KG300 manual Tools, Unit converter Menu, Currency Converter Menu, Health Menu, BMI Body Mass Index