1.3 Missed Calls
You can hear details about missed calls.
1.Touch .
2.Touch .
3. Touch Voice Command | . |
4.Touch Start Command.
5.Touch or say Missed Calls.
6.The phone will announce any missed calls.
7Say Yes or No call the number. 1.4 Messages
This voice command feature will read out information from messages received.
1.Touch .
2.Touch .
3.Touch Voice Command .
4.Touch Start Command.
5.Touch or say Messages.
6.The phone will announce any received message information.
7.Say Yes or No call the callback number for a message.
1.5 Time & Date
This voice command feature will read out the current time & date.
1. | Touch | . |
2. | Touch | Voice. | Command | . |
3. | Touch Start Command | |||
4. Touch |
| Time & Date. |
| |
5. | Touch or say | . |
1.6 Help
Allows you to view more information about the features in Voice Commands.
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