Display Language
The ONE TOUCH® Profile® Meter can display messages in 18 languages: English [engl.], Spanish [espan.], French [franc.], Italian [italia], Hungarian [magyar], Dutch [neder.], Norwegian [norsk], Polish [polski], Portuguese [port.], Russian [pycck.], Finnish [suomi], Swedish [svens.], Turkish [turkce], Symbolic [oxooxo], Czech [cesky], Danish [dansk], German [deuts.], and Greek [e^^/ka]. There is also a British [brit] setting to address insulin differences in the U.K.
The meter is set to give prompts in English. To change the display language, enter the options mode. Use the M button to choose the
Display Language option. Press the C button until the language you want appears on the display. You may now turn the meter off or press the M but- ton to move to the next option. Once a language is selected, all messages will be displayed in that language.
Time Format
The meter is set to display the time in the