Introduction | 2 |
About PCI | 4 |
Hardware Setup | 6 |
Windows 98 Setup | 11 |
Windows 95 Setup | 18 |
Windows NT 4.0 Setup | 26 |
Windows For Workgroups | 33 |
Novell NetWare | 35 |
Client32 Setup | 38 |
3.12 Server | 41 |
4.x Server | 43 |
5.0 Server | 44 |
How to Use | 46 |
Appendix |
Windows 98 and 95 Client Setup |
For Windows NT 4.0 | 50 |
Windows 98 and 95 Client Setup |
For Novell NetWare 3.x | 52 |
Twisted Pair Cabling | 53 |
Cabling Rules | 54 |
Troubleshooting | 55 |
Running the Card’s Diagnostics | 58 |
Starting Over in Windows 98 and 95 | 60 |
Manually Installing Network Components | 64 |
LEDs | 66 |
Specifications | 67 |
Customer Support | 68 |