Call Forwarding
You can forward all your calls to another phone or to your voicemail.
1.Press Menu.
2.Scroll to Settings. Press Select.
3.Scroll to Call divert. Press Select.
4.Scroll to Call forwarding. Press Select.
5.Scroll to Yes or No for forwarding unanswered calls. Press Select to confirm your choice.
6.If you selected Yes, you will then see a screen that asks for the number you want to forward calls to. Enter the complete number, starting with “00” or “011” or “+” sign followed by the international country code, area code and phone number. If you don’t enter a number, Call Forwarding will revert to Off.
The number you enter will be saved in the phone’s memory, so that you can use it again without
NOTE: The Skype Voicemail list will display an icon next to each voicemail. The Skype Voicemail icon with a red star indicates that a message is new, while the same icon without the star indicates that you have already heard this message.
Chapter 4: Using the
Figure 4-13: Call
Figure 4-14: Call forwarding
Call Forwarding