Wireless-G Phone for Skype

Skype Voicemail

Skype Voicemail requires a subscription from www.skype.com. You can record a greeting for incoming voicemail.

Recording a Greeting

1. Press Menu.

2. Scroll to Settings. Press Select.

Figure 4-15: Voicemail


3.Scroll to Call divert. Press Select.

4.Scroll to Welcome message. Press Options.

5.Scroll to Record new. Press Select.

6.Record your greeting. Press Save to save the greeting.

To listen to your greeting, follow steps 1 through 4 above. In Options, scroll to Play. Press Select to hear the greeting.

To set your greeting to the default Skype Voicemail greeting, follow steps 1 through 4 above. In Options scroll to

Reset Default. Press Select. Press Yes to confirm.

When you have new Skype Voicemail, the voicemail icon will appear on the display screen.

Chapter 4: Using the Wireless-G Phone for Skype


Skype Voicemail

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Image 29
Linksys WIP320 manual Skype Voicemail, Recording a Greeting