Appendix B: Connecting a PTZ Camera

3Configure the following according to your PTZ camera’s specifications:

Channel:SelectthechannelthePTZcamera is connected to.

Protocol: Select from Pelco-D or Pelco-P


Data Bit: Select from 5~8 data bits.

Stop Bit: Select from 1 or 2 stop bits.

Parity: Select from None, Odd, Even, Mark or Space.

Cruise: Select Enable to enable PTZ cruise.

Address: Enter the PTZ camera’s address Use the Copy To drop-down menu to copy the PTZ settings to multiple channels.

4Click Apply to save your settings.

Using the PTZ Menu (Local DVR)

To control the PTZ camera locally on your DVR:

1Select the channel that the PTZ camera is connected to.

2Press and hold the PTZ button on the front panel of the system for 6 seconds. Enter the system password. The PTZ menu opens.

PTZ button

Press & hold 6 seconds

3Use the on-screen PTZ controls to control the camera.


Select the channel the PTZ camera connects to.

Speed Slider:

Increase or decrease the pan and tilt speed































Direction keys:

Click the + and - symbols to

Camera Pre-set


adjust the camera Zoom,




Focus and Iris settings